Wow, it’s been almost 1 year since my last YouTube upload! I started the year off by doing one of Chloe Ting’s fitness challenges. She released her 28 Day Flat Tummy Challenge on January 1! I started the challenge on Jan 2 because Jan 1 I was still being lazy after the holidays I made a short video documenting my progress and to show my results after completing the 28 Flat Tummy Challenge!
Flat Ab Goals
I’ve really been trying to focus on getting flatter abs lately. One of my goals is to get that 11 line ab definition the K-pop idols have haha. It’s not easy that is for sure! I didn’t switch around my diet during this challenge. I kept eating my usual types of meals, which in general are pretty good. a typical mean for me consist of lean proteins, whole grains/healthy carbs and veggies. My favorite breakfast as you would know if you follow me on Instagram (because I post it all the time!) is my Huevos Rancheros, I posted the recipe a while ago. I will occasionally have cookies and chocolate though, and I do order take out though =D.
This is how my tummy looked on day 1 of the challenge. Before this I was really started to slack on my workouts. I started the challenge kick myself back into being more consistent.

Overview of the Challenge
If you are wondering what it’s like to do a fitness challenge, it’s super simple. There is a predefined scheduled of workouts you do daily. Some days are optional and some days are designated as rest days. It’s important to let your body rest and recover when you are working hard. Your muscles need time to regenerate. If you don’t rest, you put additional stress on your body and It can hinder your progress. Be nice to yourself :).
My Tummy After 28 Days
Overall, I would say I got pretty good results considering I didn’t change my diet. Sometimes I ended up either leaving out a work out or skipping a day either because I was too tired or I was short on time. Even with that, I can see after I did the last workout; the following morning my abs felt so toned and flat. That last workout is a killer by the way xD (2,000 reps!!)! I thought I might not be able to complete it, but I powered through and paced myself!

On to the Next Challenge!
Have you ever done a fitness challenge? I personally enjoy doing fitness challenges and workout programs. My workout routine is pretty much only consisting of predefined workout programs I follow. I like doing programs and challenges because it takes all the work out of having to plan out a routine each time I want to exercise. It also helps mix it up instead of doing the same exercises day after day! With a program you have no excuses, the schedule is all laid out for you, you just need to show up and follow it!
Once I finished the challenge, I took a few days break and then started it back up again. This time I’ll be a bit more mindful of what I’m eating and see if I can achieve even better results! Let me know if you are curious to see a follow up of results after a second try!
If you did this challenge I’d love to hear your experience? What do you think, do you see a difference between day 1 and day 28? What types of meals did you eat?