Sometimes we start slacking on our fitness and diet routines. I like to watch videos to find motivation of what to eat and to get new fitness inspo. Recently, I made it a point prepare a good meal for lunch. I dislike eating the same thing multiple times, so I am always try to find new ways to make things. It’s all about the sauce, seasoning or dressings! Here is a short video of the 3 healthy lunches I came up with.
Since I started working from home, I’ve gotten a habit of skipping lunch and having a snacks instead. By 6pm I’m starving which is not good! I’ve been trying to do better and actually make myself a good lunch. It’s important to have balanced meals and eat consistently to keep your metabolism working properly. I hope that this video can help you with your meal planning and give you some ideas for a fast and simple low calorie lunch! If you need some motivation to workout check out my active wear tryon haul!
Healthy Lunch Day1
For the first day I chopped up some mushrooms and napa cabbage. For some reason i’m obsessed with mushrooms lately, these are king oyster mushrooms.
Healthy Lunch Day 2
I had some leftovers and I put them to good use here! The other night, I made tofu chicken meatballs for dinner. I made sooo many and then had to find creative ways to keep eating them. I have the recipe which I will share soon
Healthy Lunch Day 3
For day 3 I decided to try a new recipe for butter shoyu chicken. It is so delicious and simple to make. I was defiantly surprised.
Let me know what you think!
This video is a completely silent vlog with background music at times. Please let me know which you prefer, with music, no music? Talking or no talking! This video was taken using my phone: Samsung S21 Ultra.